Here are our list of the current programmes
Perth Festival events
please scroll down for the programme, click on "book now" and list the events you would like to go to. Pay no money and put zeros into "act fee' "donation" & "total" please.
Dawsons Nursery
Wednesday 18th Decembe
9.30am mdg
Take a wander around Dawson’s Garden World Forrestfield , the nursery is a fantastic plant nursery that’s been around for over a century! Green thumbs are sure to find a plant to take home to their own garden when they visit. Here gardening enthusiasts can pick up seedlings, outdoor ornaments or simply enjoy a stroll and get a little inspiration for your own piece of paradise. Enjoy refreshments in the café.
(own cost)
Brunch Walk
Thursday 9th January
8am mdg
"Time to breathe the fresh air and stretch those legs with an early morning walk from Garvey Park, followed by brunch. (own cost)
Friday 27th December
4.35pm mdg
Gather together for an End-of-Year celebration, enjoy some fun, games and a fish ‘n salad meal.
Bring a wrapped gift to the value of $10 to play the “gift
exchange” game
Thursday 2nd January
Enjoy a friendly game of Rummykub, plenty of sets for plenty of people.
Afternoon tea available (gold coin donation)
Print West
Monday 6th January
9am mdg
Experience the best in Western Australian photography.
Take in the annual competition hosted by the Western Australian Photographic Federation. This prestigious event showcases the top 100 images selected from over 700 entries submitted by talented photographers from across the state. Immerse yourself in a stunning and diverse collection of photographs,
ranging from vibrant colour images to captivating monochromatic prints.
Discover the creativity and skill of local photographers as they capture the beauty and essence of Western Australia