Monday: We took the newish little red train along the 1.7k of Busselton Jetty to enjoy the underwater vista down amongst the pylons festooned with coral, myriads of fish darting about. We visited the Art/Geo Cultural complex, old court house and gaol. We enjoyed lunch at The Deck at the Port Geographe Marina, afterwards continuing on Layman Road to visit the Heritage listed Wonnerup House. After an extended Happy Hour, some of the wordsmiths amongst us played several hands of Quiddler.
Tuesday was Doreen’s day and we collected her from William Carey Village to enjoy catching up. We visited Eagle’s Heritage. Lunch amongst the trees and gardens at the Berry Farm; lots blue wrens, honey eaters and other little birds; even a tree frog seeking sanctuary by climbing up the wall. After a brief stop at the Deer Farm on Caves Road we came away with a piece of venison which John promised to cook for us. In the evening, some folk learnt to play ‘blocks’ – a bit of a gamble.
Wednesday John Streeter’s Fine Furniture was first up. On to Gunyulgup Gallery, then John Miller’s Jewel of the Capes . Lunch was at Goanna Gallery Café . Indijup ‘Spa’ and though the sign said ‘beach closed’ this was largely ignored as people scrambled over a rocky path to see the sea cascading through a narrow gap to create a natural spa. Heading back to base, somehow the bus deviated, and we found ourselves outside Simmo’s Icecreamery – we couldn’t not go in!
Thursday - Ellensbrook House – recently reopened after extensive restoration was gallery day. Cowaramup for a light lunch; then to the Cheeky Money Brewery and Cidery where we looked forward to a cider tasting; alas it was not to be, as only one cider was available. Further along Caves Road we stopped at Gabriel’s Chocolates. For our evening meal John cooked the venison steaks to perfection accompanied by a selection of baked vegetables.
Friday: Down Bussell Highway to Bellview Shell Museum, Witchcliffe. Walking into the museum is a jaw-dropping experience. Heading down Caves Road to Karridale we detoured via Boranup Drive which winds through the forest between Caves Road and the coast. We found Glenarty Road Winery and Restaurant . After lingering over Happy Hour folk headed to their respective apartments to take stock of cutlery, plates, chairs, etc. as we’d borrowed one from the other and had to make sure all was in order before an early departure next morning.

: We exceeded expectations and were packed and ready to leave by 8.30 – no more meandering down winding shady roads, rather scurrying along the highways, though via the South West Highway there is always something to look at. A stop in Harvey for brunch, and back in Sawyers by 1 o’clock. Thanks, Sally, for driving us safely for over 1200ks, to those in ‘social central’ for hosting us each day, and to everyone who pitched in to help in one way or another to make the break away a happy and enjoyable time.