A happy chattering Wheels group left Sculpture Park at 8.00 last Friday rather concerned at the 40C forecast. We need not have worried. We enjoyed a wonderful educational day mostly in air-conditioned comfort. Our first stop was North Dandelup Dam - a lovely setting for morning tea of home made scones, tea and coffee. Our next destination was the Alcoa Discovery Centre. Our helpful, cheerful and very knowledgeable guide was Rayleen, who boarded our bus and as we travelled many kms over very dusty roads she explained the details of the very extensive bauxite mine, with a lengthy discourse on the Rahabilitation of the native forrest - 68% demanded by the State Government, 100% aimed at by Alcoa.
Later we drove to the cool setting of the Premier Hotel in Pinjarra for lunch, a rest and more conversation.
A long drive home arriving at Mundaring at about 3.45 pm. Many thanks to all, especially Sally for her driving skills, morning tea and for a very enjoyable and informative day.
Blogger - Richard Matthews